Training of Internal Affairs Service of the Greek Coastguard
The first of a series of workshops delivered by the Laboratory of Questioned Document Studies “Chartoularios” P.C. to the Internal Affairs Service of the Greek Coastguard was successfully completed today.
The workshop had the topic “first line of defense against counterfeiting: basic principles of Forensic Document Examination and how it can be applied at a preliminary level. (ESYP01) “and strong interest was manifested by the attendees with questions and discussion around issues of questioned document examination.
The education from our lab will continue with the delivery of the following workshops:
Basic principles of Forensicl Document Examination & practical examples I. (code ESYP02 Seminar).
Basic Principles Of Forensic Document Examination & Practical Examples II. persons (code ESYP03 Seminar).
The delivery of these workshops includes laboratory practice and will take place at the premises of the Laboratory of Questioned Document Studies “Chartoularios” P.C..