Staffordshire University Lecture “Case Studies in Document Analysis” 13-11-2014


Staffordshire University Lecture “Case Studies in Document Analysis” 13-11-2014

On the 13-11-2014, the laboratory manager Nikolaos Kalantzis, delivered a two hour lecture to undergraduate students of forensic programs, within his role as Visiting Research Fellow of Staffordshire University.

The lecture was delivered with very good interaction with participants & some very intriguing questions were discussed.

The lecture is available for download in its abridged form here: Lecture-Staffs-2014

Also, the following survey form is available for anyone interested in participating: Public Survey 012014 UK

Participants wishing to receive updates related to Forensic Handwriting & Document Examination issues & activities of our lab can join our mailing list here: Join Mailing List.

Finally, for Greek speaking audience there are two more surveys available: 1) Ελληνικό Public Survey 012014 2) Γενικές Ερωτήσεις Δικαστικής Γραφολογίας

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