eSignature Resources

Here you can access resources relating to eSignatures (a.k.a. Biometric Signatures or Digitally Captured Signatures – DCS)

The eIDAS 910/2014 regulation that deals with electronic signatures in the EU area.

The 3rd version of the Best Practice Manual for the Forensic Examination of Handwriting by ENFHEX includes Appendix no.5 which lays out a methodology for the forensic examination of DCS. Best Practice Manual for the Forensic Examination of Handwriting

Chartoularios Youtube eSignatures / Biometric Signatures / D.C.S. Resources Playlist:

A short video introducing the eSignatures (a.k.a. biometric signatures or Digitally Captured Signatures) & their importance. This video focuses more on the similarities of eSignatures to traditional pen & paper signatures from the aspects of usability, legality & safety.
Μία σύντομη εισαγωγή στις έννοιες των βιομετρικών υπογραφών από τη σκοπιά της Δικαστικής Γραφολογίας.
Niko Kalantzis presentation “From liquid to digital ink”, for Wacom’s Connected Ink 2020 event.

Recommended scientific publications:

Kalantzis N., Platt A.: “Digitally Captured Signatures (Biometric Signatures) & Forensic Handwriting Examination. A short Introduction ” 10/2020 issue of the Journal ” Penal Justice / Ποινική Δικαιοσύνη”.You can find the paper here:

Geistová Čakovská, B., Kalantzis, N., Dziedzic, T., Fernandes, C., Zimmer, J., Branco, M.J., Heckeroth, J., Spjuth, K.A., Kupferschmid, E., Vaccarone, P. and Kerkoff, A. (2020), Recommendations for capturing signatures digitally to optimize their suitability for forensic handwriting examination. J Forensic Sci.

J. Heckeroth, E. Kupferschmid, T. Dziedzic, N. Kalantzis, B. Geistová Čakovská, C. Fernandes, M.J. Branco, K. Axelsson Spjuth, A. Kerkhoff, P. Vaccarone, J. Zimmer, P. Schmidt: Features of digitally captured signatures vs. pen and paper signatures: Similar or completely different?, Forensic Science International, Volume 318, 2021, 110587, ISSN 0379-0738,

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