Completion of the Training of Internal Affairs Service of the Greek Coastguard


The third & final part of a series of workshops by the Laboratory of Questioned Document Studies “Chartoularios” P.C. to the Internal Affairs Service of the Greek Coastguard was successfully completed on the 2nd of December .





The workshop had the topic “Basic principles of Forensic Document Examination & practical examples II. (Seminar code ESYP03).”, focusing on the laboratorial approach of Questioned Document issues, withing specific case related scenarios, and strong interest was manifested by the attendees with questions and discussion around issues of questioned document examination.





The participants had the chance to experience a hands-on approach to the devices used in Questioned Document Examination, and experienced the application of Stereomicroscopy, Video Spectral Comparator and Eletrostatic Detection Apparatus results.









With the complition of the course, certifications of attendance were given to the participants.

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