The presentation of the manager & lead examiner of our Institute entitled “From liquid to Digital ink” that was presentaed at Wacom’s Connected Ink 2020 Event is now available: Niko Kalantzis Chartoularios Institute, Greece From liquid to digital ink A handwritten signature is more than just a name – it’s your unique sign of […]
The manager & lead examiner of our Institute will be presenting the lecture “From liquid to Digital ink” at Wacom’s Connected Ink 2020 Event. You can find out more information here: Register now Niko Kalantzis Chartoularios Institute, Greece From liquid to digital ink A handwritten signature is more than just a name – […]
The 1st Joint meeting of the European Network of Forensic Handwriting Experts (ENFHEX) & the European Fingerprint Working Group (EFP-WG) was successfully completed in Porto (Portugal) from 9 till 12 of September 2019. The conference was attended by more than 180 experts, coming from institutions from allover Europe, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada and other countries. During the […]
On Saturday 20-1-2018, 09: 00-13: 00 at the War Museum the third conference of the Hellenic Association of forensic sciences “Forensic Sciences – Capabilities & Limitations” will be held. During the conference the manager of our laboratory, mr. Nikolaos Kalantzis, will give a presentation entitled “Cognitive bias as a problem for the forensic scientist”. The conference is aimed at active professionals in the field of Justice […]
The attendance & engagment from students was overwelming & I am grateful for the experience. Recommended literature on Cognitive Bias in Forensic Science as follows: Cognitive Bias and Blindness: A Global Survey of Forensic Science Examiners A biased opinion: Demonstration of cognitive bias on a fingerprint matching task through knowledge of DNA test results Contextual […]
We inform you that Senior Examiner of our lab Dr. Michael Pertsinakis will present his findings titled “The result of visual feedback in the static and kinetic individual characteristics of signatures” at the 17th conference of International Graphonomics Society in Gaeta, Italy οn June 18, 2017. This conference has been endorsed by IAPR ( International […]
Handouts given during the Non-Originals: The pitfalls & the possibilities of working without original documents workshop,given on the 2nd of April during the Emirates International Forensic Conference & Exhibition in Dubai, are now available. The handouts can be downloaded from the following link: If you wish you can subscribe to the Laboratory’s mailing list to receive […]
On Thursday April 6th of 2017, our laboratory manager mr. Nikolaos Kalantzis will deliver two lectures to the MSc Document Analysis students of the University of Central Lancashire. The titles of the lectures are as follows: Casework examples – non-standard cases require non-standard approach. Contextual bias in forensic science & document examination.
During the Emirates International Forensic Conference & Exhibition that takes place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from the 2nd to the 4th of April 2017, our laboratory manager mr. Nikolaos Kalantzis was invited to present a workshop with the title “Non-originals: The pitfalls & possibilities of working wiothout original documents”. The workshop will tak. place on […]
The 4th FORENSIC SERVICE CONFERENCE: BACK TO BASICS organzied by the South Africa Police Service was completed with success. During the conference, mr. Nikolaos Kalantzis, senior examiner and manager of our laboratory, was an invited speaker and delivered three presentations and a workshops. The titles & abstracts are as follows: Title: Assisted vs Guided Handwriting […]