Laboratory of Questioned Document Studies

Welcome to the official website of CHARTOULARIOS P.C., Institute of Questioned Document Studies. Here you will find information on Forensic Handwriting & Document Examination, the services provided by our laboratory and our examiners, and you can also find out information concerning educational and Continuing Professional Development events organized by our laboratory.

  • Institute of Questioned Document Studies "Chartoularios" P.C. provides services in the field of Forensic Handwriting & Document Examination, i.e. authorship determination of handwriting and signatures, document alterations etc. supported by a up to date instrumentation, and applying the four eye principle and a peer review system for each case handled .

  • On every case submitted to Chartoularios, two examiners are simultaneously appointed on it, who act independently of each other. When the examination is completed and a conclusion is formed, the two examiners exchange opinions, a joint conclusion is stipulated, and the requested report is written. .

  • Chartoularios P.C. is straffed by five (5) trained Forensic Handwriting & Document Examiners, every examination is conducted according to international standards (ENFSI - ENFHEX, SWGDOC etc) with full instrumental support whenever it is feasable.

  • Chartoularios Institute of Questioned Document Studies "Chartoularios" P.C. is an associate member of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes ENFSI - ENFHEX. ENFSI ( was recognized in 2009 by the European Commission as the sole representative of the forensic science community in Europe (

petSmmK7KmA3WL84q9vx1r3iOGxKMM3sdpMG3e5yslA Εταιρική Ταυτότητα Ινστιτούτου Μελετών Δικαστικής Γραφολογίας "Ο Χαρτουλάριος" Ι.Κ.Ε.
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