Παρουσίαση στο 78ο Συνέδριο της ASQDE – The question of comparability of Digitally Captured Signatures


Niko Kalantzis: Presentation for the ASQDE 78th Conference (August 2020)

Παρουσίαση από τον Νικόλαο Καλαντζή της χρήσης των Ψηφιακά Καταγραφόμενων Υπογραφών (ΨΗΚΥ – Βιομετρικές Υπογραφές) σε υποθέσεις  Δικαστικής Γραφολογίας & παρουσίαση του Wacom Clipboard.

Περιγραφή: When it comes to signatures, the shift from pen & paper to digital media is attainable but not trivial. In the physical world, different writing instruments of the same class form the executed signature in the same manner, but this cannot be said for DCS when captured with different software & hardware solutions (or even using the same hardware but different software only). This study discusses two aspects of this problem. The first part of the study involves the comparison of 1.200 samples created with an XY-plotter (Axidraw v.3), which were collected from 6 identical digitizer pads (Wacom STU-530) and the same software suite (Namirial FirmaCertaForensic) with different combination of the 6 default styli provided with the pads and 4 inking pens (Wacom Bamboo Spark). The comparison of the collected data from the same repeatable stimulus discusses the repeatability and the accuracy of the recorded stimuli from the Wacom STU-530 digitizer. The second part involved the analysis of the extracted (unnormalized) CSV data from different Software and Hardware solutions and the construction of a normalizing procedure for those to be accurately analyzed under the same DCS software analysis suite. Through the analysis of the actual method of recording the biometric channels (X, Y, F and T), the construction of a translation spreadsheet allows the accurate rearrangement of the collected data so that they can be read and analyzed in the ISO 19794-7:2014 compliant csv format of Namirial’s FIrmaCertaForensic DCS signature analysis software.







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